Live Chat Support Services :

Did you know that when the 90% visitors are online in the website they need customer support before Sign up or making Online Purchase? And 45% of customers may be exit with abandon upporan online transaction if their questions or queries are not addressed quickly.
After putting so much of effort & investment to bring the customer to the website, don't you want to have the conversion with your target audience.
Refer Our Unique Webchat Support Features:
- Connect with your customers with Realtime Talk
- Increase your sales just answering the customer queries
- Provide Personalized Service to your customer
- Ask the customer to stay back on the website and explore more of your product & service
Email Support Services

For the companies, it becomes headache to answer all the Customer Email Queries that too on-time. Due to delay response, the company may be losing the business opportunity from the potential customer. The queries can be wide range about the Company Information, Location, Presence, Clientele, Product Details, Features, Specification, Work Culture, Certain Technical Documents, Bank Details, Payment Methods & Procedures, etc...
In the rise of Electronic Gadgets (Mobiles/Tabs/Laptops) which allow the consumers to send the email on-the-fly when they need of any service. Means that, the number of emails received by companies are day-by-day increasing it. Until/Unless, we address the customer queries, can't expect the business closure or customer Sign-up happening. It may be meaningless question or most complicated technical question, it should be addressed it on-time.
We will solve your Email Management Headache by making it easy to deliver exceptional email customer service with ticketing system. We do act on email with faster replies, better quality answers and significantly reduced customer service/support costs.
Unique Features with us:
- Our agent would be having all the day-to-day queries as Knowledge Base
- Our agent would be having the access of Full History of Customer Via CRM/Customer Purchase Details in hand to address the query on-time that too efficiently
- Our agent would be having the vast knowledge about the product & service
- Being Domain Expert, our agent can easily understand customer's specific needs & interests
We enable your customer service channels to work together to improve customer engagement, give customers better information, resolve queries faster and maximize every sales opportunity.